Monitoring Active Directory with WMI Exporter

bayu nugraha
Nov 3, 2020

##1## Login to AD, Open Browser, & Download WMI Exporter in

##2## Check connection between AD and Prometheus with ping command,

Ping to to make sure both of them can communicate,

##3## Go to Downloads directory,

Run WMI-Exporter with command “msiexec /i wmi_exporter-0.9.0-amd64.msi LISTEN_ADDR=(IP Address which is can communicate with ip Prometheus LISTEN_PORT=9182”

you can refer to image below,

Go to Task Manager, make sure WMI Exporter is running well,

##4## Go to Prometheus, edit sudo vi /opt/prometheus-2.14.0.linux-amd64/config.yml

Add AD Support to config.yml, you can refer to image below

##5## Edit IP AD-Support with alias in /etc/hosts

##6## Restart Prometheus

sudo systemctl daemon-reload

sudo systemctl restart prometheus.service

Open your Grafana and Your AD-Support has been monitored.



bayu nugraha

Linux Administrator, Network Administrator, Cloud Engineer, DevOps Enthusiast, Docker, Jenkins, Git, Gitlab, Kubernetes, Ansible.